Blog Intro Here
Talk about excitement! We are outreaching to Baya Mexico! One of our new Volunteers, Sharon Rhodes has contacts with Volunteers without Borders in San Felipe Mexico. They sent her a list of equipment that they needed for creating a local hospital/clinic to serve people who can’t pay for medical treatment in their area. Sharon ask if she could take some down in her truck. We said how about a trailer full also? For some time we had been storing excess equipment at a mini storage unit that ABC Lockwood in Kennewick has provided KC HELP free of charge. Talk about a coincidence (or maybe god-incidence).
We started inventorying and sending messages back and forth to Kyle in San Felipe. Offers of additional items came in from our health care partners in the community. A load inventory was finalized and a letter was sent to the Mayor of Mexicalli to allow us to transport it with no tax at the border. The mayor has approved the request and has sent it on to the federal department in charge of transport through the border. At the same time, Sharon has pulled that 18 ft trailer to the border and stored it at a friends protected facility. What a trip, 1,238 miles one-way.
Many thanks to Glenn, Tim, Loris, Mark, and Jerry who tirelessly inventoried and loaded the trailer and helped Sharon get on her way! However, the journey continues. Stay tuned for the rest of the story of this amazing effort.