More Great News from Mexico

The Knights Community Hospital Equipment Lend Program
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More Great News from Mexico
By: Jerry Rhoads ~ 8/15/2018

Would you believe it? KC Help is now an official Charity in Mexico! Yep, the Mexican government has approved our application. How did this happen? During our first shipment, we encountered some delays with getting equipment to Mexico. However, through direct meetings with government administrators in Mexicali, we were granted permission to bring the equipment across. We started looking for ways we could avoid delays in the future. Then the lawyer for Volunteers Without Limits advised us that it would improve our ability to get equipment to San Felipe if we were an approved charity in Mexico. He helped us submit the application and shepherd it through system.


In July we were notified of their approval. Now not only will we have the Volunteers Without Limits organization to partner with, we can also begin to build an organization that directly focuses on durable medical equipment needs. We also enlisted help from the Lions Club in Mexicalli to distribute Walkers. They loaded up an SUV to the brim. See the photo! Guess they had to use their side view mirrors to back up. The network for this good work begins to grow.

Sharon Rhodes reports that Mario Gamboa of San Felipe has been a driving force to make this happen. We ask him to be the founding director of KC Help in San Felipe. He is very enthusiastic to do this. He and Sharon have really started something that is meeting great needs in his town. Mario will come to the Tri Cities the first two weeks of September to work on translating our forms and procedures into Spanish and setting up the financial elements needed to run an independent KC Help Unit in San Felipe.



Meanwhile, the work goes on. Kyle of Volunteers Without Limits sent us some more photos of people they have helped. Enjoy!